2X Your Blog Conversions
in 30 Minutes

Free cheat sheet, recommended tools & video that will transform
your content marketing (using the new R.E.S.U.L.T.S. method)

2X Your Blog Conversions
in 30 Minutes

Free cheat sheet, recommended tools & video that will transform
your content marketing (using the new R.E.S.U.L.T.S. method)


The Secrets Behind Writing Effective Content that Converts

Is there a science behind effective content?

This is a question that has probably plagued a lot of content producers–especially when they’re faced with the challenge of churning out regular material for blogs. So we thought this would be a great opportunity to turn to the science behind writing

Can Colors Help You Improve Sales On Your Site?

85% of shoppers say that their purchasing decisions are very much affected by the color of a product.

Colors can change moods and trigger certain emotions. This means that a site’s design elements, including color choices, can elicit specific reactions from your visitors and ultimately, increase

5 Ways to Get to Know Your Audience For Better Engagement

Time and again, we talk about how e-commerce marketers should really focus on getting to know their audience to ensure that they are able to deliver relevant content.

But how can a business get to know their audience exactly? How can they learn about the demographic that responds best

5 Ways to Effectively Engage Customers

If you run an e-commerce business then you might have noticed that your audience’s short attention spans have probably incurred a significant amount of business expense for your company.

Today, the average internet user is connected to at least one social media network that sends constant updates about friends

How To Incorporate an Effective Lead Nurturing Strategy for Your Business

As an e-commerce business, it’s not enough that you’re able to generate leads—you also need a strategy that will nurture them into becoming actual customers.

A study conducted by Marketing Sherpa notes that 73% of leads are typically not

5 of the Best Blog Ideas for your Higher Education Blog

If you’re running a blog for higher education, sometimes, the problem isn’t that you’re not prepared for all the logistical challenges such as scheduling, consistency, and formatting, that you might face. There are instances that the most basic thing you have to worry about is coming up with engaging and

Top 3 Ideas You Can Implement Today to Boost Conversions on Your Site

In just a few short years e-commerce has totally reshaped the rules of the retail landscape, an institution that remained fundamentally unchanged for centuries.

Consumer expectations continue to escalate, often as a direct result of technological innovations. In order to succeed, it is crucial for businesses to have

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